Mussoorie was developed by the British as a hill station, where they could escape to and beat the hot Indian summer. It is a beautiful place, where many expensive boarding schools have sprung up. Just the chance to walk in the Alpine forests was worth my trip to this resort in Uttarakhand, in Northern India.

A view of the town from above.

The winding road works itself up to Mussoorie from the plains (Dehradun)

The monsoon clouds in the plains below. A view from Mussoorie.

Two different views of the sunset.

The Imperial Hotel. Old town feel.

Another view of the monsoon clouds in the plains below. They hesistate to move up. Or are they waiting for re-inforcements?

The Himalayas in the distance.

A view of the town.

Winter in Mussoorie. The colours light up the skies.


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